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Nou Aru Taka wa Tsume wo Kakusu

(A wise phoenix hide one's nail )

     One day, Eri's class was talking about the music festival. They were looking forward to it and they also wanted to try out for a music contest held 2 months later.
    First, they needed to decide what kind of music they were going to play or sing, but once they began to talk about it, no one said anything and didn't raise their hands. The class leader sighed and got really angry. " If no one is going to say their opinions, we won't do anything for the music festival!! That means we will get laughed at by other classes!!" Everyone looked at each other, and some students began to say their opinions. Everyone proposed one song.
    Finally, they decided to do " We are the world" The words were a little difficult, but they memorized it as well as they could, BUT there was a really big big problem. They didn't decide the person who would play the piano. The contest was coming in 2 weeks. They had almost no time. Everyone was confused and some students were crying. They talked again and decided not to enter the contest, but as soon as they decided so, Akiko stood up. Akiko was a sober girl and was teased by some students. Akiko went to the piano and started to play " We are the world" Everyone was surprised, but happy because of Akiko's
piano playing, they were able to enter the contest.
    In the contest, they did perfectly that they won the contest!! Akiko's piano lead to the first place. Everyone thought " Nou aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu" toward Akiko.
    From then, Akiko became the class's heroine. She is still a sober girl,but everyone likes her very much.